Becoming an accountant in Germany is a prestigious and promising career that requires careful preparation and appropriate education.
Salary and labor market
The average salary of an accountant in Germany is approximately 45,000 - 60,000 euros per year. Earnings can vary significantly depending on skill level, experience and region. For example, in large cities such as Frankfurt or Munich, salaries may be higher due to higher demand and a higher standard of living.
Employment prospects
The job market for accountants in Germany is quite stable. Due to the need for financial reporting in all companies, the demand for qualified accountants remains high. Provided that they have the appropriate education and certification, graduates can find a job within a few months after completing their studies. Large companies often offer internship programs, which can serve as a great start to a career.
So, the path to a career as an accountant in Germany requires time and effort, but opens up wide opportunities for professional growth and stable income.
Here is a list of 15 educational institutions in Germany that offer accounting training in the form of full-fledged training programs and short-term courses. These institutions offer a variety of training programs and courses covering the main aspects of accounting, auditing and financial control, helping to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful career in this field:
1. Berlin School of Economics and Law (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin) – Educational program "Accounting and Controlling"
2. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management – Program in accounting and financial management
3. Hochschule München (Munich University of Applied Sciences) – Program "Accounting and Finance"
4. University of Mannheim – Study course "Business Administration with a focus on Accounting and Taxation"
5. Leuphana University Lüneburg – Study program "Management & Business Development with a focus on Accounting"
6. FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management - Accounting courses
7. Hochschule Bremen (City University of Applied Sciences) – Study program "Business Studies with a focus on Finance and Accounting"
8. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm – Training course "Business Administration with a focus on Accounting and Finance"
9. Hochschule Mainz (University of Applied Sciences Mainz) – Study program "Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting and Controlling"
10. Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein – Study course in accounting and finance
11. Berufsakademie Sachsen - Staatliche Studienakademie Leipzig - Study program "Business Administration with a focus on Finance and Accounting"
12. Akademie für Steuerrecht und Wirtschaft – Training courses for future accountants and tax consultants
13. IHK Akademie Schwaben – Training courses in accounting and financial management
14. Wirtschaftsakademie Hamburg – Study program "Business Administration with a focus on Accounting"
15. Hochschule Pforzheim – Study course "Business and Law with a focus on Accounting and Auditing"
Also useful article on the topic: How to become an accountant in Germany