
Rescuers in cyberwar

cyberwarCyber ​​attacks on the Internet are becoming more sophisticated and cost the German economy about 50 billion euros a year. More and more German companies are suffering from hacker attacks and suffering heavy financial losses because they do not pay due attention to the information security of their companies.

According to a recent study by the German digital association Bitkom, about 55 percent of German companies have suffered direct damage from hackers or malware. This situation creates interesting career prospects for IT experts in the field of information security in the German labor market.

Career start opportunities: 

  1. Research. Those who engage in "hacking" not for profit, but in order to identify weaknesses in the information security of the enterprise, are actively encouraged to conduct applied research. To be able to take part in such research, you can do an internship at the company, write a thesis at the company or work as a "Werkstudent" while studying at university. You can learn more about this feature here... FRAUNHOFER

  2. Enterprises. For example, Siemens specifically offers work to students and graduates in the field of information security. Areas that are especially in demand are these  Vulnerability Management, Threat Intelligence, Incident Response. SIEMENS  

  3. Counselling. Potential candidates who want to work in the field of information security, but are more focused on working with people. can find themselves in companies that provide professional consulting in the field of enterprise information security. CAPGEMINI