
App of the Month. Transparent Democracy in Your Hands

The German public has long criticized the lack of political transparency in the country. Markus Krüger took on the task of solving this problem by developing the app "Democracy".

With it, every citizen of Germany can now eslily and transparently monitor the activities of the Bundestag. The app covers all aspects of the legislative process, from individual faction proposals to the current status of bills. 

But that's not all! Users of Democracy can actively participate in the political life of the country. You can express your opinion and evaluate bills that may bacome laws tomorrow. These evaluations will be sent to members of the Bundestag, so thy can take public opinion into account when making decisions.

Additionally, the unique "Wahl-o-Meter" feature is planned for the future implementation. It will allow you to compare your own votes with the voting results of Bundestag deputies. This will give you the opportunity to understand how closely your views align with those of your elected representatives.

The app is completely free and funded through sponsorships. Initially, Markus Krüger organized a crowdfunding campaign that raised 35.000 euros in seed capital. These funds allowed him and two developers to start working on the project. The project also received a grant from the Hertie Foundation.

If one vote every few years is not enough for you to feel part of the political process, be sure to try this app. Democracy gives you the chance to influence the future of your country every day. Connect, participate, and make politics transaprent with Democracy!

You can find the Democracy app at this link - Democracy