
A new promising specialty in Germany

promising specialty germany Over the last ten years, our lives have changed a lot and are still changing thanks to information technology. The German higher education system does not stand aside from this process, but tries to keep up with the times, adapt to it, and sometimes even get ahead. 

German universities offer their students new specialisations that will allow them to feel confident and in demand in the international labor market in the global economy, as well as quickly adapt to change and respond to market demands, anticipating its future needs. Such a new specialty is, for example, "Economic Informatics in Management application".

Wirtschaftsinformatik - Application Management (Economic Informatics in Management application) 

It is a specialty that deals with the planning, creation, management and development of enterprise management systems. An expert in this field is a sophisticated analyst who analyzes and optimizes the work processes that take place in the enterprise and tries to save enterprise costs and optimize profits using IT technology.

Such important components of any enterprise's work as Projekt-Management, IT-Service and IT-Security-Management are the important parts of the process of training specialists in this field. After graduation, graduates of this specialty work in large companies in the positions of IT project managers, systems analysts, IT project managers, managers of enterprise information systems management, etc.